Entrepreneurial Coaching

Realize the entrepreneurial vision with strength

Realizing a new business idea or self-employment through one's own efforts, developing assertiveness, keeping risks under control: Entrepreneurship is the high art of innovation.

I support entrepreneurs in start-ups, SMEs and family businesses as well as in any future-oriented organization to stay on their entrepreneurial track, personally and in business.

Coaching for entrepreneurs

Develop your own entrepreneurial vision and communicate it in a winning way.
  • Gain perseverance and maintain your focus, even in the face of headwinds.
  • Strengthen your leadership skills despite everyday pressures
  • Clarify mutual interests and demands while you remain "true" to yourself
  • Find growth and fulfillment in your own entrepreneurial process

Coaching for entrepreneurial teams

Develop and establish positive leadership together.
  • Adapt leadership style and systems to entrepreneurial growth
  • Develop strength together in dealing with pressure 
  • Find the balance between speed and stability

My approach