Approach and methodological background

«What you focus on, will grow»: My coaching style is characterized by a solution-oriented way of thinking and working, which focuses on one's own strengths, resources and goals, already in early phases.

I integrate approaches and tools from Positive Psychology as well as from Mental and Emotional Coaching.

My profound practical understanding and my scientific expertise in innovation and entrepreneurship complement my work.

I combine:
  • Solution and resource-oriented coaching.
  • Positive Psychology / Positive Leadership
  • Mental and emotional coaching (Wingwave)
  • Self-leadership strategies and mindfulness practices
  • Practical and scientific approaches and methods of the discipline "Innovation & Entrepreneurship".

I work in a variety of formats, online as well as physical. This includes exemplary "coaching in single sessions" (short), accompaniments over time, corporate coaching days, workshops and sprint formats or offsides and retreats.

Coaching & Facilitation
Adrian W. Müller